Book: The Week You Weren't Here

Author: Charles Blackstone
ISBN: 0972336346
Publisher: Low Fidelity Press
Year Published: 2005
Price: $15.00
Review: Charles Blackstone’s writing reminds me of the Kerouac I love and helps me forget the Kerouac I don’t. A story about a young writer smack-dab in the middle of that stage where a person moves from developing several crushes a day to developing several genuine romantic interests each day. Unlike most first novels about struggling writers as lovers, The Week You Weren’t Here is a novel about a struggling lover who writes. The stream of consciousness prose takes the writer deeper into the obsessive mind of someone who might just have a chance at love, but doesn’t know what to do with that chance, let alone all of the other complications life provides. Blackstone’s exploration of a questioning mind not only provides you with an understanding of what makes a creative person tick, but also with a well-crafted and enjoyable read. This book reminds me of why I read fiction in the first place.
Go ahead…buy yourself a copy.
Rating: 4 / 5
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